一橋大学新入生歓迎委員会 2024


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https://support.google.com/chrome/answer/173424?hl=en&co=GENIE.Platform%3DDesktop&sjid=10311590102829063088-AP Description of each part:
Activities: The content of activities
Activity location: The location of activities
Activity date/time: When the members are usually active.
Scale: How many people are in the group
Gender ratio: Comparison between the number of males and females
Cum sir: Whether members can enter another circle
Part-time job: Whether members can have part-time jobs
Entry service for upperclassmen: Whether non-freshmen can participate
Percentage of Hitotsubashi students: The ratio of Hitotsubashi students in the whole membership
How to enter: The method of entry
Notes: Any additional information
Membership fee: The annual fee paid by members
Contact address: Please contact this address if you have any problems
Information in English (Information in English): Whether members can have official communication in English.